Kids Yoga

This Little Light of Mine

Kids Yoga & Mindfulness

Be Here Now

From 2019-2020 I became a certified children’s yoga and mindfulness teacher studying from Young Yoga Masters in Toronto. I break down the class into a few sections. We begin with a welcomed dance party to release lots of energy and get the wiggles out. We move into yoga where children get an interactive way to learn the poses through games and adventures.
We then dive into a mindfulness activity to connect to the here and now and we always end our class with a quiet savasana. This is a perfect way to end as they can lay down, relax and be guided into a peaceful mindset. Classes are done in small groups or can be done 1:1 as well. Daycares and Schools are welcome to book workshops. Contact me for more information.
Alicia Gibbons

Contact me for more information

Workshop Learning Programs for Yoga


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